Feature Film.
Starring Matilda De Angelis
and Helmi Dridi, Irene Casagrande, Neri Marcoré, Angelo Bison, Nicola Perot, Anna Ferruzzo, Kevin Blaser, Anna Manuelli, Doro Müggler, Cristina Zamboni, Giacomo Bastianelli
Written and directed by Niccolò Castelli.
Co-writing by Stefano Pasetto.
A Swiss (CH) Belgium (BE) Italy (IT) production.
Produced by Villi Hermann and Michela Pini for Imagofilm Lugano, in coproduction with Climax Films Bruxelles, Tempesta Film Bologna, RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera.
Allegra, a passionate climber, survived a terrorist attack that killed three of her friends. Crushed and consumed by guilt and hatred, she is no longer herself. Her loved ones are helpless when confronted with her suffering. To regain confidence and love, she must embark on a challenging journey and question herself. She meets Arad, a young refugee from the Middle East, which leads her to an encounter-confrontation with the Other.
Main producer: Imagofilm Lugano, Switzerland
info AT imagofilm.ch or +41 91 922 68 31
Co-producers: Climax Films, Belgium / tempesta film, Italy / RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera
World sales: Vision distribution – contacts
For a complete list of festivals and awards constantly updated we refer you to the website cinematialiano.info
Per una lista completa di festival e premi sempre aggiornata vi rimandiamo al sito cinematialiano.info
→ https://www.cinemaitaliano.info/film/17471/festival/atlas.html
→ 22.03.2022 best international feature at the Manchester Film Festival
→ 25.01.2021 two nomination at the Swiss Film Awards as Best Film and Best Cinematography for «Atlas»
→ 21.12.2020 «Atlas» inaugura la 56a edizione delle Giornate di Soletta 2021
→ 09.05.2019 «Atlas» featured by Swiss Films in Cannes
→ 22.12.2018 at the Industry Village in Les Arcs
→ 19.11.2018 it’s a wrap
→ 15.10.2018 a few days before the shooting